Fortunate Failures

Fortunate Failures

When watching a CEO or entrepreneur talk about their successes, you might look at your own professional life and only see attempts followed by failures. This makes it hard to relate with the person on the screen and it is not encouraging you to keep trying, but rather it might make you feel alone in failures you could be facing. Yet when a successful person can show vulnerability and authentically reflect on their past failures and times when ideas or businesses just did not go the way they wanted them to, it can be a lot easier to relate to them now and become inspired. You will be able to see actual proof that although you still have these failures in life, you are not alone and success is not determined by the lack of failing but instead using those failures to learn more and keep going.

Fortunate Failures
  • Fortunate Failures: Lloyd Hopkins

    "Jobs come and go, but my integrity and my principles and who I am as a man can't waiver," Lloyd Hopkins.

  • Fortunate Failures: Dave Miranda

    All you can do is enough. As long as you do all you can do.

  • Fortunate Failures: Jevin Hodge

    How do can you learn to be resilient every day? According to non-profit leader Jevin Hodge, in Phoenix AZ, resilience is learned by reaching your breaking point. “Life is not supposed to break you but to bend you to your breaking point. That is how you become resilient.” Watch our latest episode ...

  • Fortune Failures: Stephanie Parra

    “Fortune Failures” explores the challenges that have defined the paths to success for community leaders in Arizona. In this episode, Stephanie Parra, Executive Director of All In Education, discusses a crucial turning point in her career. Parra reached a frustrating point in her advocacy for equi...

  • Fortunate Failures: Stephanie Vasquez

    "I remember feeling heartbroken and disappointed. At that point I had to sit with myself and think and make a decision. 'Do I continue on, not knowing what was ahead of me? Not necessarily having the support or resources and having these four professional people look me in my eyes and tell me tha...

  • Fortunate Failures: Mathew Blades

    Death has a way of teaching you just about everything you need to know about yourself. . .

    It’s what helped give Mathew Blades the clarity and values he needed to navigate a “superficial career” in radio for 27 years.

    It’s also what inspired him to leave

  • Fortunate Failures: Cristin Coleman

    Either you stand for something or you don't. Coleman explains how an opportunity going the wrong way in Shanghai ended up creating the most important career opportunity she's ever had.

  • Fortunate Failures: Leanna Taylor

    "When you search out the things that are comfortable and safe the world can have a completely different idea for you."

  • Fortunate Failures: Jayarr Steiner

    I’m happy about where I’m at right now. I do art full time, I have a beautiful daughter, I have an amazing family, I have a really good circle of friends ‒ all of that came because of what I went through in the past. I wouldn’t change anything that’s happened... I believe that humans learn throug...

  • Fortunate Failures: Priscilla Ornelas

    "I always want to remind people that it didn't come without its struggles. It wasn't something that was handed to me... It was definitely a mind shift along with a lot of sweat and tears, a lot of hard work, a lot of being underpaid for a long time. But, I'm so happy that I had that pivotal momen...

  • Fortunate Failures: Devin Butler

    Just start, you will figure it out along the way. It will lead you to where you're truly supposed to be. You just have to get started in the first place.

  • Fortunate Failures: Jason Gillette

    “Don’t let your fear be greater than your faith.”

    What were you doing the moment you realized your life was a construct built by everyone but you?

  • Fortunate Failures: Jason Paprocki

    What you say isn't nearly as important as what people hear. Jason tells a story of a time he said all of the right things but failed to make sure his employees were truly hearing him.

  • Fortunate Failures: Peter Cohen

    The President of the University of Phoenix explains how a risky business move taught him a life lesson that's served him well thus far: never live beyond what you can afford, in business or in your personal life.

  • Fortunate Failures: Art Taylor

  • Fortunate Failures: Marcia Mintz

    CEO Marcia Mintz discusses the steps it took to get to where she is now in her career and in life.

    She knew that asking for help wouldn't be easy, but it carried her in her professional and family life to be the community leader she is today.

  • Fortunate Failures: Robin Reed

    Robin Reed came into the studio to share the experience that made him realize that character and integrity are some of the most important aspects of professional success.

  • Fortunate Failures: Christine Lin

  • Fortunate Failures: Eric Sperling

    Eric Sperling, STN's managing director, explains the positive impacts of failure and how it is an important part of greater success.